Home » September 5, 2020 - Pastor Message

September 5, 2020 - Pastor Message


September 5, 2020


Dear Fellow St. Boniface Parishioners,

It has been a while since I sent an email update simply because there hasn’t been much to update. We continue to function under COVID-19 restrictions, to which we have responded by temporarily adding a 9:00 AM Mass on Sundays. The primary reason I am writing today is to dispel any rumors that may be out there about me.

You may have heard that I was ill recently. Last week, while I was on vacation, I developed some congestion and a cough. It cleared up completely within two days, and, by Thursday (August 27), I was right as rain. This past Wednesday (September 2), I again began feeling a tightness in my chest and slight difficulty breathing. Out of an abundance of caution, not wanting to potentially infect anyone with COVID-19, I scheduled an appointment to get tested for the virus. Part of the protocol for testing is to self-isolate while awaiting results, which I did. Bishop Persico connected me with Gannon University’s testing, which has a 24 hour turnaround. My results came back last night (September 4), and they are negative, meaning I do not have COVID-19. As far as I know, I am not dying, at least not immediately, nor am I seriously ill. Thank you to the folks who were concerned about me and prayed for me, but please rest easy. I fully intend to return to celebrating Mass this weekend and to be in the office next week.

  • The 7:30 AM Sunday Mass continues to be livestreamed and recorded each week for those who are unable to return to Mass at this time. Please use the link below to livestream.


Meeting ID: 957 1341 3958
               Password: 2VU5FN!

  • Jeanne Yaple, our Faith Formation Director, has been emailing families about our new family-centered faith formation initiative, Faith at Home. If you have children of catechetical age and have not been receiving emails from her, please contact her at the office (faithformation@stbonifaceparisherie.org) to get on her mailing list. She has also prepared packets for families who have registered for religious education, so, if you have not yet done so, please register for religious education to receive your family's packet, which can be picked up at the church. If your children attend Catholic school, you are still welcome and encouraged to participate in these programs, so please reach out to Jeanne to enjoy these programs and resources. For all families with children preparing to receive sacraments this year, please be sure to contact Jeanne to enroll in our sacramental preparation programs.


  • A valuable resource for faith formation of all ages is our parish subscription to the online streaming service, Formed. All families and parishioners are invited and encouraged to create a free account and get started using the resources on Formed (http://www.stbonifaceparisherie.org/Formed.html).


  • Finally, since I haven’t been sending out these updates as frequently, a great way to stay up-to-date on parish activities is to regularly check our parish website (http://www.stbonifaceparisherie.org/index.php), which includes online copies of our weekly bulletin, and our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/bonifaceparish/). Thank you to Tara Schupp and Jeanne Yaple for maintaining these valuable resources and to Melanie Kennerknecht, our parish secretary, for sending out these emails and keeping us connected during this strange time.


Peace in Christ, and please let me know if I can help you in any way.

Fr. Marc


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